NASK is the coordinator of the EuroMath project.
NASK conducts research focused mainly on efficiency, reliability and security of IT networks and other complex network systems. The majority of NASK’s activities is related to ensuring Internet security.
Responding to incidents affecting network security in Poland and coordination of activities in this area is handled by the Cybersecurity Department, within which operates CERT Polska (Computer Emergency Response Team). NASK also maintains the registry.
Educational activity and popularization of the information society idea plays an important role. At NASK Academy, social projects and unique trainings for companies and institutions with particular emphasis on the subject of ICT security are offered. For years NASK has also been engaged in conducting the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme, promoting safe use of new technologies and Internet resources among children and young people.
NASK also conducts systematic social research in the area of Internet security and digital education, including a nationwide survey among young network users titled ‘Teenagers 3.0’. The research projects are consulted by the Scientific Committee of Experts for the Development of Information and Communication Technology in Education, which hosts renowned scientists and specialists in the field of education and the use of new technologies in teaching.
NASK runs the IT Szkola e-learning portal ( addressed to upper secondary school students and teachers. Content offered by IT Szkola is designed to develop digital competences. The portal offers online lectures and certified courses.
Within the framework of the institute there is the Dyż team, the only contact point in Poland that responds to anonymous reports received from Internet users about potentially illegal material, such as pornographic content involving a minor.
NASK acts as the operator of the Polish Nationwide Educational Network – a program that aims at providing access to fast and secure Internet to all schools in Poland.